Thursday, January 17, 2013

Da mix is back... slightly improved.

Wow. It has been quite some time since I have blogged on my page. Many reasons for this absence, but I will spare you all with the mundane daily excuses that we all live and have. Tired. Overwhelmed. Disorganized. Tired. There it is in a nutshell. Moving forward. 

Since the start of First grade Seth has come a long way. His school and I are still in the works for his 504 and IEP. Hoping to have the final details next week. With that said, the last two months have been a pretty smooth ride in our household for him (finding the closest piece of wood to knock). I can only guess that this is due to many factors. His medication and dosage are right on, he is in routine with school-class-teacher, Rescare, his doctor, football season, wrestling season, maturing, slowly learning to control his emotions/tantrums, finally allowing us to help him and he is slowly recognizing and understanding how to help himself or at least he is seeing the difference when he is "doing better". 

And BEST OF ALL.. He now LOVES and ACCEPTS when I hug and kiss him!!!!! Nothing beats that... NOTHING!

Along with his football and wrestling, skateboarding and surfing are still if not more then ever a huge "release" for him.  He is like a work horse or working dog.  I can not even begin to imagine what is happening in the "inside" of his brain when he is literally bouncing off the walls and speaking so fast with excess saliva.  Always on the go and needs to be in constant motion.  Though his body and muscles are quite rigid and not extremely flexible along with being semi clumsy and not always aware of his surroundings... he goes full force into whatever has his focus at that moment.  Still to this day trying to teach him the correct stance on a skateboard, he wont have it.  Will not listen.  He knows all.  Of coarse he does, he is 6 after all.  Ha!  His stubbornness and determination is a double edge sword.  One edge makes a lot of chaos for him, loved ones and his surroundings which have led to countless meltdowns and hurt.  On the other edge, he is not a quitter.  Does not give up. This can pertain to school work, sports, cleaning, ect.   He tends to give it his all until he gets it right or at least what he thinks is "right".  

Whatever is "right" in Seth's world at the moment, is well... right.  At least as he sees it.  No use arguing, convincing, debating, proving him otherwise... his brain will not accept it.  Period.  (If I have learned anything in my 6 years with my son, it is the above.)

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