Monday, April 13, 2015

Testing 1, 2, 3... Testing.

It's that time again for more testing.  It seems like it never ends.  Three hours of pavement to hotel destination so we can make our first appointment at 6 pm.  Just another intake.  To follow tomorrow morning for testing.  

Testing for IEP's, blood, psychological all for what?  To be able to ask for help for a child with needs but first your kid must pass or actually fail the testing just to prove they really need the help.  

Over the years, this has been very challenging for Seth and his teachers because he is very inconsistent with school work and any testing.  Being on the Spectrum along with his other mixes makes it was difficult to know what he really needs help with and what he can handle independently.  Along with the best ways and goals to help him strive.  

Seth has come a very long way from where he first started and I wholeheartedly believe this is due to realizing Seth's difficulties from 13 months onward and early intervention. It is beyond frustrating to hear some people question if a child is on the Spectrum.  This happened to me when Seth was four.  I signed him up for a sport and some of my friends children were on his team.  One of them only heard of the stories that we were going through with Seth and made a comment how he seems "so normal".  UNTIL she saw him have a HORRIBLE sensory meltdown that involed banging his head on the ground, yelling words that made no sense, pulling his hair, covering his ears and ultimately running. She then quickly apologized.  More on that topic another time. 

My mind is tired. I dislike reliving Seth's younger years because that was him back then... Let's focus on the Seth who he is now.  We are all a work in progress and all have issues some just are more intune and better equipped to handle most situations.  I am tired.

Let the testing begin.  

1 comment:

  1. That is a good start. Keep up the good work. By the way I have to say that was a great photo.
