Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ear plugs please

Ear drums are a very special tool that we all take for granted most of the time.

Every so often, one is reminded of the ear drum.  Perhaps when one is flying, took a dive in the pool or even went too far with the softness of a Q-Tip.  There are remedies for all the activities above.  Such as gum chewing, ear drops and the rapid removal of the cotton swab.

Now lets talk Autistic eardrums and family members too.

Some Autistic children, from what I have read, are very LOUD. Seth would fall in this category head first. He is loud, heavy footed with ungraceful movements and overall noisy.  I can handle all of this BUT the loudness!  It is extremely hard on the ears.  And all the while, he has taught his sister Keana, a high pitched shrill voice. So besides Seth and his bag of alphabet soup of loudness we have 2 year old Keana running around the house belting out her best Daryl Hannah imitation from the movie Splash.  You know, where DH plays a mermaid then at one point in the movie she "trys" to talk and all she makes is a very loud shrilling/shrieking noise. Yup, thats what we have in our mix.  My bag contains ear plugs.

On the flip side, Seth cannot always tolerate lots of different loud noises.  For example: when he is watching the television, he cannot handle other people talking in the same room as him or in the next room over.  I suppose this would fall under the sensory overload category. Add that to his bag.
* Oddly enough, Seth is not even phased one bit by his own loudness. God sure does have a funny sense of humor at times.  

Perfectly in tune.  

We may not always enjoy the sounds others make while eating, sleeping, drinking, toilet time... you get the idea, but at least we know it will all end in a matter of a few swallows, gulps, a flush or two, a pillow over the face or an elbow jab to your partner's side.  Not me though, my sidekick Seth will most likely always be on the loud side and out of tune.  With that said, my ear plugs are always close by.     
2 years old
3 years old
5 years old


  1. surfing AND guitar?? You people are living the rockstar lifestyle!!!

    1. Ha Jim! Yes, rockstar lifestyle could be very fitting for Seth. Lets see - Loud screamer, daily emotional highs and lows, destructive to doors/walls/objects... hmm, think you hit it dead on. Cheers! ; )

  2. “Ear drums are a very special tool that we all take for granted most of the time.” You’re right. It is actually one of the most sensitive parts of the body, yet one of the commonly overlooked too. People should exert more effort in taking care of their ears and their eardrums. A simple way would be to protect it from extremely loud noises. For example, if you want to attend a rock concert, wearing some earplugs to tone down the noise can do you and your ear drums a lot of good.

    Darren Mcandrews
